Water your trees during a dought or dry spell!
Picture courtesy www.gardeners.comThe best time is at night, when the water isn't instantly evaporated by sunlight.
The best method for watering is by using a soaker hose, which will allow the water to penetrate into the soil quickly. Buy 100 feet or more of soaker hose for large trees. Make a spiral of circles around the tree spaced three feet apart on each go-round. Turn on the hose and watch the water come out to make sure it is dripping off the hose, not spraying into the air. Be sure to let the water run long enough so it penetrates deeply into the soil, which might take several hours. Trees should get about an inch of water a week. You can use a pie pan set under the hose to monitor how much water is getting to the roots.
You can also help your trees withstand a dry spell by mulching them to maintain moisture.