arborists bring our extensive knowledge and experience in the field to every inspection and service we provide. The right tools are also required to accurately assess and diagnose your trees.
Our basic tools include:
• A mallet for "sounding" a tree trunk and the major root flares, which will often lead us to hollow areas;
• A steel probe to check for depth of a cavity;
• A blunt screwdriver to probe a decayed area;
• A hand rake to pull leaves and ivy away from the trunk and ground around it to make it visible;
• A trowel to dig for decay below the soil surface;
• A measuring tape to record the diameter or circumference of the tree;
• Binoculars to look for problems in the canopy.
Our advanced tools include:
• A Resistograph. Only a handful of companies in Atlanta own one of these high-tech machines. It is used primarily for assessing big oaks and other hardwoods. We rarely use it for pine trees. Using it does not damage a tree.
When our inspectors have reason to suspect that a tree has decay in its trunk or roots, or when certain kinds of fungus are growing on a tree, this sophisticated machine is invaluable for determining how much decay is present. With the information the Resistograph provides, we can advise homeowners about keeping or needing to remove a tree. In many cases, the Cities of Atlanta and Decatur require a Resistograph test to determine whether or not to approve a tree removal permit. Though much of the time we don't need to put our Resistograph to use, we bring this machine to every inspection we perform.
Please visit our Resistograph page, particularly if you are hiring us to inspect big hardwood trees. It is unusual for us to drill pine trees.
• Software. We have spent years customizing and investing in our state-of-the-art software, a multi-visit database that allows us to keep track of your trees. Our technology stores information about each tree we inspect, including its location, our findings, photographs and Resistograph results. It also calculates the risk and value of trees. We can quickly use this software to help diagnose problems, prescribe treatment, and generate reports. We take it with us wherever we are, even high in a tree.