The height and circumference measurements listed here are for the largest-known mockernut hickory in Atlanta. This tree is located at Emory University.
Some folks say this is the king of hickory trees in the South. It grows to a very large size, and has a well-rounded crown. These are stiff trees: they move very little except in the strongest winds. The wood is very strong and the trees seldom uproot.
Hickory nuts! These nuts are big, 1 to 1-1/2 inches in length, and they are heavy. When they split, they split the entire length of the nut. They will make an impression on you.
The word “hickory” is derived from an Indian word, “pocohicora.” This is a liquor the Indians once made from pulverizing the shell and kernel of the nuts together. The kernel is sweet if you are strong enough to break open the thick, hard shell. You’ll need a sharp pointed instrument for picking out the meats, which are highly nutritious.
The wood is the finest of all the hickories. It has high bending properties and is superior in its stiffness. The wood was used for making handles and rustic furniture.
Tree, Bark, Leaf, and Flowers: Chris Evans, Illinois Wildlife Action Plan,
Fruit: John Ruter, University of Georgia,