• Leaning Tree

    Leaning Tree

    This tree has a "severe" lean. When it falls, it will probably split the house in two.
  • Dying Trees

    Dying Trees

    The tree canopy should be full of leaves. If thin, there may be clues at the base of the trees that tell you why they are dying.

  • Dead Trees

    Dead Trees

    When all the leaves turn brown during the growing season, the tree is dead.
  • Tree too close to house

    Tree too close to house

    The limited area for roots and for trunk growth can create problems for the tree and the house.
  • Lightning strikes

    Lightning strikes

    Lightening can kill a tree, but not always. If leaves turn brown after 6 weeks, your tree is a "goner." If the leaves stay green, have the tree checked for structural damage.

  • Two pine trees

    Two pine trees

    Which tree is dead? The one on the left does not have green needles. It is dead.
  • Dead top in oak tree

    Dead top in oak tree

    A tree has a serious problem when it starts to die from the top down. Have it checked out immediately.

    Zone 1: The tree as a whole

    From a place where you can see the whole tree at one time, take a long look. Focus on the entire tree rather than its individual parts.

    • Is the tree leaning? What is it leaning toward (the "target")? Has this lean been there for a long time? Is it leaning more than it was a day, week, or month ago? Is the tree leaning in an easterly direction? Trees that lean toward the east are more vulnerable to falling because most of the winds come from the west.
    • Can you see any big dead branches? Are there a lot of dead branches, or just a few? Are they on the lower part of the tree, or only on one side of the tree?
    • Are there sections of the tree where there are no leaves at all? Does the tree have a thin leaf cover? Are the leaves dropping much earlier than from other trees of the same species nearby? Do the fallen leaves look unusual?
    • Are the branches dying back at the tips?

    If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, your tree may be in the process of falling over, sick, imbalanced, or dying. Get the tree evaluated immediately by a Certified Arborist. Better to be safe than sorry.